Jamie Benyei


Jamie László Benyei
Urb. Miralpantano 19
28794 Guadalix de la Sierra
(Madrid) Spain
Tel. +34 91 847 1274
e-mail: jamie@benyei.org


B.A. in English language and literature: Australian National University Canberra (Australia) 1979
Post-graduate Diploma in English language teaching : International House, London (UK) 1980
Post-graduate Diploma in Multicultural education and linguistics: University of New England (Australia) 1986-1989

Relevant work experience:

1981-1986: English language teaching and training (TEFOL) in Madrid (Spain) and London (UK), English teaching theatre throughout Spain
1984-1995: Manager and guide for tourist, adventure, mountain and environment activities (Youth Dept., Madrid Regional Government, Años Luz travel agency,)
Since 1986: Translation (Spanish to English), correction of texts and manuscripts in English, interpretation (simultaneous), and transcription of recordings. Major specialty fields: archaeology, architecture/construction/urban planning, biology, cinema and television, computer technology, ecology, environment, economics, law (patents), marketing and advertising, telecommunicactions, tourism.....

Some of my regular clients:

Architecture: El Croquis, (international architecture journal). Since 1990.
Occasional work with other architecture journals- Arquitectura Viva y Domus (Italy).
Architecture offices- Tuñón + Mansilla, Sancho + Madridejos Nieto + Sobejano, P. Mangado, etc.
Publishers: Editorial Rueda, Tanais,
Major contracts: Europan Competitions 6,7,8 and 9. Translation and edition of 24 books for the Arquitecturas Ausentes exhibition, Spanish Public Works and Housing Ministries, May-Nov. 2004

Science: Several Departments at the following universities: Complutense - Madrid (Archaeology, Ecology, Biology-Vertebrates), Autónoma - Madrid (Anthropology, Ecology, Economics, Analytical Chemistry, Severo Ochoa Centre for Molecular Biology), Alcalá de Henares (Ecology, Madrid Institute for Agricultural Research) and Burgos (Archaeology, R+D+I). Since 1986

Archaeology: Atapuerca archaeology team: (Diario de Atapuerca since its commencement). Complete Websites for the Atapuerca Foundation (www.fundacionatapuerca.com), and the Atapuerca Research Team (www.atapuerca.com). Since 1989

Environment: Spanish and European bodies specialising in environmental projects and studies including INYPSA, PROYMASA, Spanish Environment Ministry, Books: Spanish Forestry Strategy, Spanish Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation, The Nature of Spain. Since 1987
European Commission D.G.-XI (all Spanish-English translations for the LIFE-ENVIRONMENT programme). 1998-2002

Advertising: Some of the biggest market research, advertising and PR organisations in Spain (Research International, Bassat-Ogilvy, Ketchum, etc......). Since 1994.


A large range of general and technical dictionaries (Beigbeder, Oxford, Webster, etc.), Encyclopaedia Britannica, thesauri, style guides (Fowler's etc.) and personal glossaries built up over the last 20 years. IT resources: MS Office, TransSuite 2000 (compatible with Trados), Dragon Naturally Speaking, links to the largest and most up-to-date glossaries on the Internet.

Rates for 2006:

General texts: 0.075€/word. Others: please consult
Contact: jamie@benyei.org
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